“Our endeavor is to serve the Society through reforms in legal services by way of preparing professionally competent lawyers, researchers, Judicial Officers, Corporates and Socially responsible citizens, who shall be whole heartedly and continuously engaged in the process of Nation Building” Our Institute is committed to serve as a valuable resource for Industry, students and society and preparing students for successful careers

- To provide a sustainable and accessible environment where we support and encourage students and guide them by the principles of integrity, innovation, creativity and equality.
- To Organize advanced studies and promote research in all branches of Law.
- To promote cultural, Legal and ethical values among the Law students.
- To liaison with the Institutions of Higher learning and research in Indian and Abroad.
- To improve the ability with a view to analyze and present for the benefit of the public, contemporary issues of public concern and their implications.
- To hold examinations and confer degrees and other academic distinctions.
- To evolve and impart comprehensive legal education including distant and continuing legal education at all levels to achieve excellence.
- To disseminate legal knowledge and legal processes and their role in National Development by organizing lectures, seminars, workshops and conferences.
- To undertake study and training projects relating to laws, legislations and judicial justice.
- To promote legal awareness in the community for achieving social, economic and political justice.
- To do all such things as are incidental, necessary or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objectives of College.
A famous quote by Helen Keller –
“The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight but no Vision”