Nancy Group of Colleges, Samana (Patiala) is an institution of high repute having carved a name for itself with academic and curricular achievements of unrivalled standards. Our campuses for professional and technical education are surrounded by Natural Green habitat, Calm and serene surroundings along with Ultra modern amenities, architectural design and its structural considerations.
Mata Rameshwari Devi Memorial Trust –
For around two decades, Mata Rameshwari Devi Memorial Trust has been established by highly acclaimed Educationists and Industrialist with the sole purpose of spreading knowledge in the domain of professional education so as to provide tailor made professionals to the industry and society, keeping the specific requirements in mind. The mission of producing quality professionals in the field of Law, Engineering, Education and much more is being achieved consistently with distinction.
Mata Rameshwari Devi Memorial Trust, Samana has been a epitome of excellence in the field of professional and technical education. The foundation has won laurels for its academic programmes. Mata Rameshwari Devi Memorial Trust, Samana (Patiala) emphasizes on a constantly evolving curriculum which is at par with the full time educational programmes and meets the latest needs of a fast growing economy and progressive society. We are introducing new and innovative educational programmes each year and empowering learners to meet the challenges of a dynamic society.
The entire teaching approach at Nancy Group of colleges will be learning centric enhancing knowledge, skills and understanding through practical experience. Students will participate in enrichment experiences and partnerships with individual faculty in discovery, service and professional learning.
The aims and objectives of Mata Rameshwari Devi memorial Trust are as follows:
1. To establish educational institutions in the field of professional and technical education.
2. To prepare and equip students for various competitive examinations.
3. To encourage students to achieve excellence in sports and athletics.
4. To promote interest of students in Indian Culture and literature.
5. To foster essential characteristics of discipline spirit-de-corps, building character, team work, physical development, sense of chivalry, fair play etc.
6. To inculcate the spirit of dedication to duty.